Ayo the Clown

Ayo the Clown

(ESRB - Standard)

Apr 22, 2022
Offline play
(*) Download required
(*) Disclamer: PS5 consoles with detachable disc drive: PS5 Slim (CFI-20xx models) and PS5 Pro (CFI-70xx models), require an internet connection to activate the disc drive at the setup.

100% completed and Platinum trophy unlocked.

One cutscene was missing subtitles.

Areas in level 7-1 requiring rolling may have unintended enemy placements making progression slightly difficult but can be fixed by pushing them at the cost of health. In same level observed a few enemies permanently despawning until level reset.

No major issues found.

Text languages: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Spanish

Version on disc: 1.000.000

Spine ID: 2108659

Disc ID: PPSA-05910

Tested by Community Report on Base PS5