Cavern of Dreams

Cavern of Dreams

(PEGI - Super Rare Games, Revision 000)

Feb 29, 2024
  • Platform
  • Puzzle
  • Adventure
  • Indie
  • Bynine
Offline play
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About 80-90 % completion in collectibles. No issues unlocking what we encountered.

- Noticed brief framedrops when first entering levels.
- In rare instances it felt like button prompts weren't registered properly. However, the game's controls generally demand high precision. A wobbly joycon will give you a hard time.
- The difficulty, especially in the final third of the game, can make you feel like certain sections are unbeatable. But while the game meanly tells you very early that you can technically reach everything as soon as you enter a level, it will become a lot easier with unlocking certain abilities.
- Had to restart the final challenge against Luna multiple times because we were hit by her upon restart before we could even control Fynn again.
- The big issue is the camera, which automatically adjusts and moves in places where you simply can't see where you are, then you misjudge depth and fail jumps as a result.

Front card code: LA-H-BF7TA-EUR
Back card code: BF71A11B000

Tested by DoesItPlay on Base Switch