Doom Eternal

Doom Eternal

(PEGI - Standard)

Mar 19, 2020
Offline play
Download required
(*) Offline play: Game has an offline mode, but some features require an online connection (more details bellow)
(*) Download required: Minor content missing or a lot of bugs present with a patch recommended (more details bellow)

Basic playthrough of the campaign. No 100% completion.

Observed 2 instances of the environment disappearing during a Doom Hunter glory kill animation.

Observed one instance of the audio of a terminal not playing properly

During the Final Sin level after the 5th encounter a cutscene shows the Icon of Sin destroying part of a building which is signaling the player where to go. However after the cutscene was over the building was still intact. This left me pretty confused on where to go. Though the building doesn’t appear damaged you can still jump through the wall to get to the next area.

During the end credits audio glitched out. It kept repeating the same demon scream. The controller also didn’t stop vibrating.

Some game modes require to be online. But the campaign is entirely playable offline.

Tested by Community Report on Base PS4