Epic Chef

Epic Chef

(ESRB - Standard, Revision 002)

Nov 11, 2021
  • Simulator
  • Adventure
  • Indie
  • Team17
  • Infinigon Games
Offline play
Download required

-- Tested on Switch Lite
-- Reached the max cooking skill level
-- Acquired all the unlockable animals/monsters for the farm
-- Acquired all the unlockable crops and trees
-- Completely restored the manor
-- Fully upgraded the farm
-- Completed the main quest
-- Completed all side quests
-- Played for 150 in game days

-- Had a few instances where the game would lock up when tester sped through dialogue too quickly. Although the music continued to play and the game timer still ran, the playable character wouldn’t move and tester couldn’t open any of the menus. They would have to exit to the Switch home menu and reset the game from there.
-- A few instances of “invisible walls” randomly popping up on the farm that tester couldn’t get around. Sometimes resetting to the main menu would fix this; other times tester would have to move some of the structures they built or ‘disrupt’ the wall by planting a tree or crop on top of it to fix the issue.

-- Twice the game would not transition from the upstairs of the manor to the ground floor. Tester ran around blindly until my character walked out the front door, then the game would change to the outside farm screen and continued to work normally.

-- Some NPCs would randomly float a few feet off the ground, but tester could still interact with them.
-- Rare instances of minor frame rate drops, especially as tester acquired more farm animals and built more structures.
-- During two or three cut scenes backgrounds would disappear completely, or flicker in and out.

-- Had it happen twice after a cut scene where the game timer stopped completely and the day would not progress. You can’t go to bed and start the next day until at least 8pm, so tester did random ‘time passing’ activities to advance the clock. The game timer resumed normally the next day.

All the glitches, bugs and errors tester endured while playing happened sporadically over 65+ hours of gameplay. The game only auto saves at the start of each morning, so if one of the aforementioned issues caused them to reset, they would have to redo almost an entire days worth of progress, which would set them back anywhere from 5-10 minutes. Although inconvenient and moderately frustrating at times, the gaming experience was very tolerable and enjoyable to play.

Epic Chef is playable offline.

Tested by DoesItPlay on Switch Lite