Felix The Cat

Felix The Cat

(ESRB - Limited Run Games)

Sep 1, 2024
  • Platform
  • Arcade
  • Limited Run Games
  • Hudson Soft
Offline play
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Includes version 1.01 on disc which is the latest version at the time of testing.

Disc includes both the NA NES and Japanese Famicom versions of the console game as well as the NA Game Boy version.

Includes options for rewind, save states (only one per game), deflicker (NES only), screen size, and borders.

Does not include any options to help with slowdown which is extremely apparent in the Game Boy version but is pretty rare in the NES version.

There is an issue where the sound crackles a bit when using rewind, however no other issues were encountered. The platinum trophy is obtainable.

Tested by DoesItPlay on PS4 Pro