Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
(ESRB - Standard)
(*) Offline play
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(*) Disclamer: Xbox One and Series X|S consoles require an internet connection to set up/activate the system for the first time. An active Microsoft account is also required to play.
Tested by Community Report on Series X BC
No download available.
Played through the whole of X including attaining all celestial weapons and killing all optional bosses.
This version came out physically a few years after the PS4 version.
Due to this, the RNG bug which prevented you from resetting the RNG by quitting the game and reloading a save is fixed.
The music bug is also fixed.
The game runs flawlessly with no slow down or FPS drops anywhere.
Final fantasy X-2 is perfect also with no bugs present on the disc.
This makes the Xbox One physical disc version the definitive way to play the remasters.