Ion Fury

Ion Fury

(ESRB - Limited Run Games Distro)

May 14, 2020
  • Shooter
  • Indie
  • 3D Realms
  • Slipgate Studios
  • Voidpoint
Offline play
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This edition shows 1.04 disc build from the PS home screen, but its actual dev build is 1.07 and here is where the big difference lies. Because if we assumed that the in game version of Ion Fury (Limited Run) is only 1.04 then it would be missing some pretty big updates.
For example, one of the biggest complaints about the original release was that the gamma settings in game were too dark and there was no settings either in the 'Display Options' to fix this.
The EU Version even on 1.03 still suffers from this and we've taken numerous screenshots to check this. Not only does the EU version crush many fine details in black areas, its basically unfixable without a setting to adjust it.

The Limited Run version being 1.07 (not the claimed 1.04 from the PS menu) means not only have they fixed the default Gamma values, getting rid of all the black crush straight without any changes needed. They also added a Gamma setting to play around with under 'Display' as well if you want to tweak it further.
Our screenshots demonstrated what can only be described as a huge difference, just using the new default setting off the disc.

On the performance side the Limited Run version also trumps the EU version. Almost all of the stuttering and frame drops are gone. The experience is much smoother with options like 'Always Run' on and aids in shooting down the moving enemy targets.
Note that the loading pause that occurs only between area transitions is still there, though.

The Limited Run Version also includes individual Aim sensitivity sliders for X and Y axis as well as individual deadzone adjustments for left and right sticks. As well as an 'Invert Aim' Option. Looking at the dev patch notes for 1.07 confirms that the fix for this was only added in this patch. Our testing checked that it does indeed save changes made to this setting. So, yes, it really is 1.07 on disc.

Tested by DoesItPlay on Base PS4