Lollipop Chainsaw Repop
(ESRB - Limited Run Games)
Offline play
(*) Download required
(*) Disclamer: PS5 consoles with detachable disc drive: PS5 Slim (CFI-20xx models) and PS5 Pro (CFI-70xx models), require an internet connection to activate the disc drive at the setup.
Tested by Community Report on PS5 Pro
Completed the entire story, unlocked the majority of the trophies.
Encountered a couple of game freezes in the prologue mission which resolved themselves after 2-3 seconds. These didn’t happen anywhere else on the game.
There were a couple of instances during missions where Juliet would seemingly get stuck on nothing at all.
Odd occasion where using the chainsaw blaster would prevent Juliet from moving at all and other occasions where there was no issue. Couldn’t replicate this consistently. Just randomly happens for no apparent reason.
Otherwise, it’s a great version on disc.