Nightmare Reaper

Nightmare Reaper

(PEGI - Super Rare Games, Revision 001)

May 18, 2023
  • Shooter
  • Adventure
  • Indie
  • Arcade
  • Feardemic
  • Blazing Bit Games
Offline play
Download required

Finished the game in 40 hours and unlocked "New game +". Played in docked mode with some spot checks in portable mode.
- The game plays at 60 FPS, but there are constant frame drops, particularly when shooting explosive barrels or destroying lots of objects at the same time. Performance in docked and portable modes is similar.
- Game confuses "X" and "press left stick". Need to rebind the control in the options to fix this issue.
- Gyro doesn't work properly.
- Noticeable lag in the menus.
- Pop-in in large areas.
- Initial loading time is 55 seconds.
- Loading time between levels is 20 seconds.
- The levels are randomly generated. Didn't encounter any impossible levels, but some of the keys are well hidden and require minutes of searching.
Killing Fields
- Sometimes, the first level will crash the game. (Approximately 5% of the time)
- Sometimes, all enemies disappear in the first and second level (Approximately 5% of the time). This bug triggers another bug which makes it impossible to pick up an item, including keys, which can make some levels unbeatable. Restarting the game fixes this issue.
- A difficulty bug makes this world ridiculously hard to beat.
The Empty
- First level has frame rate issues, FPS is around 20.

Tested by DoesItPlay on Base Switch