

(ESRB - Fangamer)

Dec 25, 2020
Offline play
Download required
(*) Download required: Minor content missing or a lot of bugs present with a patch recommended (more details bellow)

Ver 1.00

-Good ending path was earned
-Bad ending paths (Abandon & Omori Knife Ending) earned
-65% trophies unlocked
-44 of 83 badges earned
-9 secret bosses beaten
-Normal Boss Rush Mode Beaten

Minor bugs/issues:
-Several sound effects and audio parts that static/distort when in the menu, chat or just moving around.
-When you finish the Hangman game it saves the game at that spot (for us it was in a snowy area but it would take you to wherever you got your last key at) and every time you boot up the game after it will start with that save. This doesn't effect any your 3 working save slots and you can just load your last save slot and play like normal.

Janky/Broken issues:
-Save slot 4, 5 and 6 are broken. When closing the game they will be affected by a bug. 5 & 6 get deleted and slot 4 while still showing info of what you had saved will not load. They will work if you made the save and load with out closing the game so it is recommended to only use save slots 1-3.

-During two parts of the game (Space Ex Husband singing part and when Sunny sits by the pond late game) a massive slow down / lag occurred. Music breaks up badly and the gameplay slows down. Canceling any of the hangout scenes will work but you have to wait a bit for the game to proceed.

Didn't encounter anything that prevented progressing or finishing the game.

Tested by DoesItPlay on Base PS4