Panzer Dragoon Remake

Panzer Dragoon Remake

(PEGi - Forever Limited, Revision 002)

Mar 26, 2020
Offline play
Download required

Version 2.0. Currently complete on cart at the time of testing.
**NOTE** this is not the LRG version of the game, this is the version/revision from Forever Limited.

Completed the game from start to finish, all 7 levels completed. Completed game on Normal and Hard mode.

No bugs or glitches. The game plays really well from start to finish. There is some very minor slowdown, but even that isn’t too noticeable.

Two minor criticisms, though.
One is gyroscope. While it is available, it doesn’t work well with handheld mode. It feels inverted and there is no option to flip the axis for gyro.
Secondly, there is some minor pop in during photo mode.

Other than this, the build is almost perfect.

Difficulty options: Easy, Normal and Hard.

Accessibility options: None

Languages: English, Italian, Polish, French, Japanese, Russian, Dutch, Spanish and Chinese.

No DRM. Played only in handheld mode.

Tested by Nintendo Revised on Switch OLED