Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

(ESRB - Standard, Revision 000)

May 23, 2024
  • Role-playing (RPG)
  • Nintendo
  • Intelligent Systems
Offline play
Download required

Completed Main Campaign.

Overall plays well with no issues

Two things worth mentioning.

1.0.1 patch fixes two notable issues

1. Fixed Double Dip and Triple Dip badges. When using these badges, it is sometimes possible for the game to skip your turn.

Tested DD badge 10 times. This issue did not occur. The issue does not happen too regularly. This badge is also not critical to the overall experience.

2. There is a potential gamebreaking bug.

Patch notes: "Fixed an issue preventing game progression where you could get past the fallen tree on Twilight Trail without obtaining Tube Mode first."

This is a gamebreaking bug, if it happens to you, the game is broken, and you have to patch or start over. HOWEVER for this to happen you have to brute-force/glitch your way through a section that the player is clearly not supposed to go through. It was a non-issue for us.

Tested by DoesItPlay on Switch OLED