Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

(ESRB - Standard)

Jan 18, 2024
  • Platform
  • Adventure
  • Ubisoft Entertainment
  • Ubisoft Montpellier
Offline play
Download required

Completed the game in 25 hours and 38 minutes. Explored almost the entire map, upgraded swords and bow three times, completed a few side quests, and finished the main story. Throughout the game no significant issues that affected their gaming experience were encountered.

Sound Bug: In some areas, certain sounds were much louder for a fraction of a second compared to other sounds, which can be annoying, especially when using headphones. This bug happened around 10 to 15 times throughout the game.

Wall Glitch: On one occasion, character passed through a wall during a puzzle. It only happened once and didn’t really affect anything.

Invisible Character Bug: During a boss fight, towards the end of the battle, the playable character disappeared. The shadow and attack effects were still visible, but the character itself was not. This bug occurred in three boss fights. Although it didn’t cause any problems and didn’t affect the gameplay, it might bother others. To fix it, simply close and reopen the game.

Downward Attack Animation Bug: Sometimes, when performing downward attacks, the animation would freeze. The attack still moved and did damage, but the animation was frozen in a strange way.

Stuck in Wall Bug: In one part of the map where you have to collect a coin, character got stuck in a wall. You can fix it by moving sideways.

Boss Fight Bug: In one boss fight, the game started freezing and became unplayable for a couple of seconds after the bug occurred. This only happened once during multiple attempts to defeat that boss. It’s not game-breaking, but it can be a bit annoying.

Treasure of the 7 Seas Mission Bug: This is a secondary mission where you must look for a bird, this bug causes the bird to never appear, it does not break the game, nor does it affect main missions. But if this bug occurs like it did in this play-through you may be locked out of 100% completion.

Tested by DoesItPlay on Switch OLED