Remothered: Tormented Fathers (Remothered Double Pack)
(CERO - Double Pack)
Offline play
Download required
Tested by DoesItPlay on PS5 BC
Test Notes:
* Runs at 30 FPS. Minor frame rate drops observed.
* Minor object and texture pop in observed. Ghosting also observed.
* After some cutscenes the character can be seen floating in air before falling to the ground.
* Dialogue and subtitles sometimes don’t match. One cutscene had no subtitles display. In a few cutscenes dialogue will cut off early.
* During the final chapter doors were observed opening instantly then closing when clicked on the first time. Can be opened normally after.
* Game crashed once.
* After beating the game an art gallery option becomes available on the main menu.
* All trophies obtainable.
Content Completed:
* All collectibles obtained.
* All trophies unlocked. (No Platinum)
Additional Notes:
* Despite the disc saying it has version 1.00 on it no updates are available. This version seems to be a completely new build with all updates applied created for this particular release.
* Version 1.00 on disc.
* Disc ID: PLJM-16621
* Spine ID: PLJM-16621
* Number of players: 1
* Audio language supported: English
* Subtitle language supported: English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
* Accessibility options: N/A
* Quality/Performance option: No