Sniper Elite: Resistance

Sniper Elite: Resistance

(ESRB - Standard)

Jan 30, 2025
Offline play
Download required
(*) Download required: Minor content missing or a lot of bugs present with a patch recommended (more details bellow)

Version 1.00 included on disc. Version 1.00 also displayed in game with a build date of October 28 2024.

Solo Campaign, Propaganda Challenges, and Solo Survival mode are playable offline.

Axis Invasion and Online Multiplayer are online only modes.

All Campaign missions and Propaganda Challenges are included on the disc. Survival mode only has the “Fortress Command” map on disc, with one additional map, “Mark of the Eagle”, being added in the patch.

All progression related to Solo play works offline, including earning XP, and unlocking weapons, attachments, skins, and hats. The only unlockable items that seem to be tied to online play are a few weapon cosmetics and most of the emblems and titles.

Despite the patch notes saying otherwise, Photo Mode and all unlockable hats are present on the disc.

- Some texture pop in and minor framerate issues observed

- Some minor changes in the level layouts were observed

- Some minor lighting bugs were observed

- Some minor object misplacements were observed

- Encountered one instance where one of Hawker’s random voice lines seemed to be a text to speech placeholder

- During certain objectives that require you to find more than one thing, the distance hint on the HUD only guides you to one of the items, which can make finding the remaining items more difficult

- Encountered multiple cases of locked doors being able to be opened without needing to unlock them, mostly during the last two missions. This can make the game easier but is definitely not intended behavior.

- Encountered one instance where a line of subtitles showed Japanese text instead of English

- One of the objectives in mission 4 was changed in the patch

- The location of one of the workbenches in mission 5 was changed in the patch

- The environment in mission 5 is less foggy than it is in the patch

- The unlock requirement for TNT never triggered properly, despite meeting the requirement for it

- It is not possible to unlock the “Sergeant Morris Ahmed” and “Gilles Brasfort” skins for survival mode due to the second survival map being missing. It is still possible to obtain them for the main campaign however.

Content completed:
- All campaign missions with all stars earned
- All workbenches found
- All Propaganda Challenges unlocked and played at least once
- Survival mode played once
- Maximum campaign rank achieved

Tested by DoesItPlay on CMOS Base PS4