Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

(ESRB - Standard)

Sep 17, 2024
  • Adventure
  • Electronic Arts
  • Respawn Entertainment
Offline play
Download required

Test Notes:

* Runs at 60 FPS. Some frame rate dips and stutters occur occasionally. Enemies will run at lower frame rates when at a distance or when a lot of them are on screen.

* Various visual bugs occur. These include texture, object and shadow pop in, flickering with the map, preview windows in shops not displaying properly, animations of characters jittering or getting stuck.

* Various audio is low quality and sometimes has delays. Some of this is due to audio being compressed for this version.

* When trying to sit at the meditation point the character would not sit down and the menu would not pop up. After several seconds the character sat down.

* During one of the endurance trials the devices that would spawn enemies would sometimes pop in and consistently come down on top of other enemies.

* After killing an AT-4 the sounds of its footsteps could still be heard repeating itself and the sand cloud it makes when walking could be seen.

* Game crashed two times.

* During a combat encounter a grapple move to the main character caused them to be forced to the other side of a door that wasn’t supposed to open until the fight was over. The enemy on the other side did not move until attacked. This did not prevent progress.

* When using the map once the yellow marker got stuck on screen. Restarting the game was required to get rid of it.

* Completing the main story unlocks new game plus and various extra features.

* All trophies earned unlocked properly.

Content Completed:

* Main story finished.

* Various extra content such as collectibles and quest completed.

* 64% overall completion.

Additional Notes:

* Unsure if the crashes are caused from the game itself or it being played on a PS5. They seem to happen at random.

* Version 1.00 on disc.

* Disc ID: CUSA-46181 (Data Disc) / CUSA-33778 (Play Disc)

* Spine ID: 2108733

* Number of players: 1

* Audio language supported: English

Subtitle language supported: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese - (Brazil), Simplified Chinese, Spanish - (Mexico), Spanish - (Spain), Traditional Chinese

* Accessibility options: Various control, visual and audio options available.

* Quality/Performance option: No

Tested by DoesItPlay on PS5 BC