Street Fighter V
(PEGI - PlayStation Hits)
Offline play
Download required
Tested by Community Report on PS5 BC
Like on PS4, the game is installable and playable offline, but you can earn fight money (the in-game value) only online.
Single player modes on disc are very few, but they are the ones officialized by Capcom in the trailers, so they were already known.
No classic Arcade Mode, no single VsCPU, no cinematic Story Mode (these modes were released in the years after launch like DLC and put on the disc of Champion Edition).
Offline content on disc:
16 characters, 11 stages.
Character's episodes: max three opponents per character with story explained through illustrations.
Survival: typical survival of the fighting games (but opponent’s stage only changes after three victories).
Local VS mode (multiplayer).
Disc build is solid, no crash and no issues, but it feels a bit like a demo without the updates.