Unicorn Overlord

Unicorn Overlord

(ESRB - Standard)

Mar 8, 2024
Offline play
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Completed main campaign on Tactician difficulty
Completed all side quests, Liberation quests, and Overworld quests. Completed map 100%.

Mostly plays well with no major issues.

Day 1 patch adds Normal difficulty. This is not included on the cartridge. On the cartridge, there is Story, Tacitician, and Expert.

Post launch support rebalances the game. On the 1.00 build some characters (e.g., Swordmaster) are pretty useless, while others (e.g., cavalry units) are too good. There is a lot of customization for many characters in each unit and many types of characters to choose from. It is a minor issue, but it is noticeable.

At the last mission, the game unequipped an item from a character which is necessary to beat the game. This prevented us from beating the boss. Once the issue was found and the proper item was re-equipped the boss was completable. Not fully sure if this is a purposeful story inclusion or a bug, but tester doesn't remember the item being mentioned beforehand.

English Voice Acting Available.

Tested by Community Report on Switch OLED