Wanted: Dead

Wanted: Dead

(ESRB - Launch version)

Feb 14, 2023
Offline play
(*) Download required
(*) Disclamer: PS5 consoles with detachable disc drive: PS5 Slim (CFI-20xx models) and PS5 Pro (CFI-70xx models), require an internet connection to activate the disc drive at the setup.

Version 1.001.000 on disc. Number of players: 1. No accessibility options. No mode preference selection.
Cutscenes run at 30 or 60 FPS depending on the cutscene. Gameplay runs at 60FPS with drops.
Audio language supported: English. Subtitle language supported: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish. All trophies earned unlocked properly.
Tested by two separate testers, who both noted the following issues:

Experienced minor stuttering in some areas, especially when entering a new area.
FPS drops when facing large groups of enemies or when several explosions trigger at the same time.
Sometimes after defeating an enemy their weapon will remain floating during execution animation.
Some enemies had pathing issues and would get stuck on terrain and other objects. Observed enemy standing still during combat until shot.

Additional issues found by tester 1:
Had two experiences with stage music bugging and not playing until using bullet time, then the music would return.
Witnessed an enemy standing idle after being decapitated. Couldn't interact with the bugged enemy, but it still counted as a kill and the game progressed.
After reloading your main rifle the magazine will occasionally be invisible until reloaded again.
Had two crashes, once when returning to the title screen mid mission and the second when transitioning from a cutscene to the final boss.
Played entire campaign on hard difficulty and played the first mission on Japanese hard difficulty.
New Game Plus is available, but only for the difficulty you beat the game on.

Additional issues found by tester 2:
Observed random flickering white objects when turning the camera.
Observed flickering white border on the bottom of screen in several areas.
Subtitles observed occasionally not matching spoken dialogue.
Some minor clipping observed on a few occasions.
Observed environment loading after restarting a checkpoint.
Game crashed three times.

Tested by DoesItPlay on Base PS5