Worms Collection
Xbox 360

Worms Collection

(ESRB - Standard)

Aug 31, 2012
Offline play
Download required

Disc includes the full versions of the following games:
- Worms
- Worms 2: Armageddon
- Worms Ultimate Mayhem

Disc also includes the following DLCs for Worms 2:
- Battle Pack
- Forts Pack
- Mayhem Pack
- Puzzle Pack
- Retro Pack
- Time Attack Pack
*DLC must be installed to a storage device to be accessible in game

Does not include any DLCs for Worms or Worms Ultimate Mayhem.

Despite the name, Worms is largely a port of Worms Open Warfare from the PSP and not a port of the original game. Supports 1-4 players locally

Worms 2 Armageddon is an original follow up to Worms and doesn't have any relation to the original Worms Armageddon. Supports 1-4 players locally

Worms Ultimate Mayhem is an enhanced port of Worms 4 Mayhem with the campaign and maps from Worms 3D also being included. Supports up to 1-4 players locally

Disc cannot be installed to a storage device

Tested by DoesItPlay on Xbox 360 S